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Automatic SEO-friendly "nofollow" links with Jekyll (works with GitHub Pages)

I’ve recently been looking for a way to automatically rel=“nofollow” my outbound links in Jekyll, so that they’re SEO-friendly and I can add some custom styling to them.

There were a fair few plugins that would do the job, which I managed to figure out with some trial and error. However, since I’m using GitHub Pages to build and publish my site, I could either change my workflow (build locally, publish the built site) or find a way to do this using only supported plugins. In the end, I figured out how to do it without plugins at all!

Jekyll’s built in Liquid templating has a replace filter, which is perfect for the job.

How to do it:

This assumes you’re using standard Markdown for your off-site links, in the format [link text](http://link.com), and relative internal links, in the format [link text](/local/link)

  1. Locate your default.html layout
    • _It should be in layouts
  2. Look for a variable for the page content, like this {{content}}
  3. Replace it with either:
    • {{ content | replace: '<a href="http', '<a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" href="http' }}
  4. Or, if you want to open off-site links in a new tab
    • {{ content | replace: '<a href="http', '<a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" href="http' }}
  5. Save, build and test

How it works

As long as you’re using standard Markdown links, all of your off-site links will look like this:

<a href="http...

And your internal links like this:

<a href="/...

The filter above takes the content of your website, as Jekyll produces it, and replaces the search string <a href="http with the same, but with rel=“nofollow” before it.

Update: thanks to Ashish in the comments for providing the security additions of noopener and noreferrer.

It’s pretty simple, and pretty dumb. You may need to troubleshoot if your setup is different (e.g. single instead of double quotes), and it won’t work if you link to your local site with absolute links. However, it will work for most scenarios, including https links (because it just takes up to and including the ‘p’).

Give it a whirl, see if it works. Let me know below if you get into trouble.
